The Hottest Celebrities And Their Equally Stunning Bodyguards

Name Undisclosed | Amber Rose’s Bodyguard

After an intruder came in and lingered for four hours as she slept upstairs in 2017, Amber Rose opted to bring a bodyguard with her anytime she left her house. Together with an assistant and bodyguard, the model accompanied her son, Sebastian, to Universal Studios for a day of pleasure, probably to forget about the turmoil from the past. Rose, her mother, her son, her assistant, and her bodyguards were all sleeping in the residence, but no one heard the intruder.

She didn’t notice the shattered window in the kitchen until the afternoon and checked the camera tape before calling the police. That scary incident only confirmed that a bodyguard was an essential investment for her. Rose’s bodyguard may appear to be “too free with his hand” these days, but he’s simply doing his job. If wrapping his hand around Rose’s waist is OK for her, it should be fine for us as well, as she needs all the protection she can get. After all, he gets the job done and appears to be capable of causing havoc if necessary.
